¥4,290(Tax Included)
Rainbow Medium
¥5,170(Tax Included)
¥3,190(Tax Included)
Support Model
When you purchase from the official website, you automatically support CARRY THE SUN®︎
We offer a "support model" that allows you to specify the recipient of support in the event of a natural disaster that requires emergency support, or in limited areas that require long-term support.
Cambodia support ×
(Bringing bright smiles to the children of Koropau Elementary School in Kampong Chhnang Province)
Collaboration with [Solar lantern support project by university students]!
During a seminar camp in Cambodia in February 2024, student volunteers from Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa Prefecture), who learned about cross-cultural understanding and development issues in Southeast Asia, visited children in Kampong Chhnang province, which is known for its high poverty rate. We have launched the [Cambodia Solar Lantern Support Project] to deliver CARRY THE SUN®︎ to.
Using the Buy One Give One®︎ system, we will support the local community with the same number of solar lanterns as the number of purchased solar lanterns, and project members will sell CARRY THE SUN®︎ and conduct awareness activities at school festivals and local event venues.
Then, in February 2025, the students themselves will deliver the items purchased at the official store to the children studying at Koropau Elementary School in Kampong Chhnang Province!
The ever-widening circle of Buy One Give One®︎.
Information is also being disseminated on SNS and Podcasts. Thank you for your support of this industry-academia collaboration social contribution project!

Himalayan Flood Relief(Bringing light to villages along the Everest Highway swept away by muddy floodwaters)
Collaborating with the Noguchi Ken Himalayan Flood Fund! On August 16, 2024, Thame Village, a small village on the Everest Highway in Nepal, suffered severe damage from heavy rain and a massive flood caused by the collapse of a glacial lake. Children who lost their schools in the flooding are continuing their studies while living in evacuation shelters. Peak Aid, an environmental and international cooperation NPO, has launched the Noguchi Ken Himalayan Flood Fund to procure the necessary relief supplies locally and send CARRY THE SUN®︎ from Japan to the area. If you purchase on the official website, the light of peace of mind will reach the people of the villages on the Everest Highway along with your warm thoughts. We appreciate your support.
*Gift wrapping is not available for this product.
*The product is only available in Warm Light, White Belt, and Medium size.

Support for Pakistan (to Bengali children in Karachi)
This is the daily life of children who live in the slums of Karachi, Pakistan and are faced with the ``statelessness problem'' of children who suffer from power outages multiple times a day, making it difficult for them to do housework, study, and daily life. However, with CARRY THE SUN®︎, you can read books at night, you won't be afraid of walking around at night, and you can gather around the table with a palm-sized light that helps improve the lives of such people.
*Products are only available in warm light, white belt, and medium size.

Support for Myanmar
¥4,290(Tax Included)
On February 1, 2021, a coup d'état by the Myanmar military occurred, and even now, two and a half years later,
many Myanmar citizens have lost their lives, and as of June 20, 2023, more than 1.84 million people have lost
their homes, They are forced to live as refugees near the borders of the countries where they live.
[Thailand/Myanmar Support], which works with a local private organization in Thailand to send Carry the Sun to
children in the mountainous areas of Thailand and internally displaced people in Myanmar, will serve as a
light for people who do not have electricity infrastructure. This time, users who have actually purchased the
product will also participate and deliver the Carry the Sun “Thailand and Myanmar Support” to the site between
August 21-28, 2023 with Landport staff. To as many children as possible in the mountains of Thailand and
internally displaced persons in Myanmar!
Thank you for your support.
*This product does not support gift wrapping.
*The product lineup is only Carry the Sun Warm Light White Medium.
(For those who want to share the same light)One will be delivered to you and one will be delivered locally.
View Details
*Purchase price is for one piece. -
(For those who want to give their own too)Two will be delivered to your location.
View Details
*Purchase price is for one piece.
農業、家畜を生業とする地元の人々は、松の薪の火だけを照明に使い、ろうそくを買って使うことができる家庭は限られています。このような状況で子どもたちは、夜間に勉強する機会も奪われています。松の火の薄暗い光と煙による視力低下などの健康被害だけでなく、松木の伐採による自然林の破壊も増えています。火災の危険性自然林の破壊、光が不十分なため、夜に遭遇する有毒昆虫の危険だけでなく、 他の健康上の問題やろうそくの購入と使用の費用も発生します。

- ●夜間に図書室での読書ができるようになります。
- ●電気がなく夜間学習の機会を奪われていた村の学生・児童の教育レベルが向上します。
- ●薄暗い中での学習による視力低下などの健康被害が軽減されます。
- ●松の薪に使用する木を探すのに費やす時間を、他の活動 (学習等) に使用できます。
- ●松木の火の使用により火災の危険が軽減され、松木伐採による自然森林破壊が大幅に軽減されます。
- ●有毒昆虫の攻撃を受けやすい森林環境の中に灯りがあることでそのリスクは大幅に軽減されます。
- ●ソーラーライトを使用することでろうそくの購入コストを削減でき、貧困削減のため役立ちます。
Noto peninsula Earthquake Relief
¥4,290(Tax Included)
登山家・社会支援活動家野口健氏と協力して、購入が寄付に繋がるBUY ONE GIVE ONEの一貫として「能登半島地震支援
This product does not support gift wrapping.
This product is only available in Warm Light, Black Belt, Medium size.
Turkey & Syria Earthquake Relief
¥4,290(Tax Included)
In response to the devastating earthquake in Turkey, we have started a special project [Buy One Give One®︎] to send Carry the Sun to Turkey with the cooperation of Ken Noguchi, a mountain climber and social support activist.
We hope to send as many of these lightweight, durable, and easy-to-use solar rechargeable lanterns, which are
compact and convenient to transport, to Turkey as soon as possible! Thank you for your support.
This product does not support gift wrapping.
This product is only available in Warm Light, White Belt, Medium size.
Futaba Town Reconstruction Support
¥4,290(Tax Included)
This is a collaboration model between CARRY THE SUN and Futaba-cho, Fukushima Prefecture. The entire town of Futaba was forced to evacuate due to the nuclear power plant accident in 2011, and will finally begin to return to the town in the spring of 2022. This limited edition model was created as part of the "Futaba-cho Reconstruction Support Project" to let people know about the town's efforts to improve the town so that more people can visit.
Includes mural art cards by OVER ALLs, a group of mural artists who are working on a project to make Futaba-machi full of art. There are four types in total. Each card contains the story and message of the mural.
The same number of these items purchased will be donated to Futaba-cho. Please see the following URL for details.
CARRY THE SUN®︎と様々な企業、ブランドとのコラボレーション、オリジナルモデルだけでなく、様々な企画を行っています。

セント・フォース30周年を記念してCARRY THE SUN®︎とのコラボモデル登場!
Buy One Give One®︎参加ですので、購入いただいた同数のランタンは長期入院や被災地などで心のケアを必要とする子供たちに届けられます。

槍ヶ岳山荘とCARRY THE SUN®︎のコラボが実現しました!
*CARRY THE SUN®︎公式ストアでの販売はございません。

A collaboration model with YAMAP a famous mountain climbing map app.
This is a YAMAP STORE exclusive item with a black belt and YAMAP logo!
*Not available for sale at the CARRY THE SUN®︎ official store.

ハイエンドマガジン『Esquire The Big Black Book』とCARRY THE SUN®︎がコラボレート
ノブリスオブリージュ(奉仕の精神)を実践する真の紳士に向けたハイエンドマガジン『Esquire The Big Black Book』(ハースト婦人画報社)の定期購読にキャリー・ザ・サンのチャリティセットコースが登場!心を灯す社会貢献Buy One Give One®︎に賛同いただき実現した企画です。特集記事「もうひとつは誰かのためにー灯りを届ける、新しい支援のかたち」と併せてぜひご覧ください。
Esquire The Big Black Book × CARRY THE SUN®︎『Esquire BIG BLACK BOOK』(1年・3冊)とCARRY THE SUN®︎(ミディアム / Warm Light)のセットコース。お申込みの方にランタンをひとつお届けし、もうひとつ同じものが、 灯りを必要としている地域の支援に届きます。

フランス語で「豊かさ」を意味するハイクオリティマガジン『リシェス』(ハースト婦人画報社)の定期購読にキャリー・ザ・サンのチャリティセットコースが登場!心を灯す社会貢献Buy One Give One®︎に賛同いただき実現した企画です。
発売中の『リシェス』47号には特集記事「もうひ とつは誰かのためにー灯りを届ける、新しい支援のかたち」が掲載。ぜひご覧ください。
Richesse × CARRY THE SUN®︎『リシェス』(1年・4冊)とCARRY THE SUN®︎(ミディアム / Warm Light)のセットコース。
F.C. Real Bristol
Limited Edition
¥5,000(Tax Included)
“Mon Petit Soleil”(モン・プティ・ソレイユ)をプリント、
ひとつ購入いただくと、もうひとつが能登の支援になるBuy One Give One®︎でご用意し、今回は若村氏の強い希望により直接現地へ本人自ら届ける予定です。
F.C. Real Bristol
Limited Edition
¥4,950(Tax Included)
The first collaborative product with the brand "F.C. Real Bristol" developed by SOPH.Co.
F.C. Real Bristol is a fictional soccer team. F.C. Real Bristol is a fashion brand that develops clothing inspired by the players, supporters, and all the people surrounding the team.
It is a cool, innovative design with a black double belt.
BuyOneGiveOne®︎ Selection
“Support Marche” is open!
"Buy One Give One®︎" is an empathetic social contribution program that delivers environmentally and socially conscious light to local communities with warm feelings.
We would like to introduce you to the “treasures” we encountered during our actual support activities in the field. Would you like to support Noto by purchasing?


¥1,210 商品詳細 カートに入れる
1号30本 瓶入り -
¥2,475 商品詳細 カートに入れる
16本入+こま燭台(小)セット -
¥4,400 商品詳細 カートに入れる
燭台セット -
¥1,320 商品詳細 カートに入れる
2号3本入【夏】 -
¥2,310 商品詳細 カートに入れる
あひる -
¥1,100 商品詳細 カートに入れる
沈香ST40本香立て付 -
¥3,080 商品詳細 カートに入れる
1892年(明治25年)の創業以来、伝統の和ろうそく一筋に商いを続ける「高澤ろうそく」。 登録文化財にも指定された風情ある木造の店舗は、残念なことに令和6年1月1日の能登半島地 震によって倒壊してしまいました。真摯なものづくりの精神は変わる事なく、天皇皇后両陛 下の訪英に際しては日本文化の発信拠点「ジャパン・ハウス ロンドン」の展示でも注目を集 めました。植物ロウを主原料に、芯は和紙と灯芯草、能登半島の豊かな里山を健康に保つため間伐材を燃料に、手づくりにこだわったオーガニックで上質なろうそくは、ミシュランガイド三つ星の「グリーンスター」(環境に配慮)を獲得したレストランの食卓でも毎日活躍しています。
力強くゆらぐ炎、煤の出ないクリーンな和ろうそく。洋ろうそくとはまったく異なる、環境と人にやさしいハンドメイドの灯りは、手のひらサイズのソーラーランタン、CARRY THE SUN®︎と同じように人々の心を灯します。